Month: November 2011

Autumn Mountain Biking in Yakima

Last weekend we went to Yakima to attend a wedding on 11/11/11.  The wedding was held at the local hockey rink because the groom is a youth hockey coach and the bride's sons were youth hockey players.  The rest is history.

I'm pretty sure this was the funnest wedding I've ever attended.  The guests wore hockey jerseys (we borrowed), the bride, groom, wedding party all came out on skates.  And the officiant was dressed as a referee.  Beer was available during the ceremony.  How much fun is that?

After the ceremony the guests could skate.  I haven't skated since I was 12 and only two or three times then.  I was a bit wobbly but was able to let go of the wall and not fall down.  I did not master skating with a beer in my hand as some of my friends did.  We had pulled pork, hotdogs, potato salad, chips, and wedding cake.

We decided to make a weekend out of it since the forecast for the west side was, not surprisingly, for rain.  The eastside was mostly clear with some precipitation moving in late Saturday so we got started around 11 and rode the Cowiche Conservancy trails up to the shoulder of Cowiche Mountain.  Fun trails, even the cobbly new ones.

On Sunday the wind was howling so we tried the Tieton River canyon trail.  Riding in a canyon on a windy day is a gamble because a canyon might be shelter or it might be a funnel.  That day it was a shelter and the fall colors were beautiful.  The trail starts out along an old road grade but eventually become narrow with the steep hill on one side and a steep drop right into the frigid river on the other.  I'm afraid that part of the trail got the best of my psyche.  I just didn't want to have to fish myself and my bike out of that cold cold river so I turned back just before the end.

We hadn't been able to do much mountain biking this year due to family trips we took and the snow didn't melt in the high country until just before the snow began to fall again.  It was nice to ride some dry open trails this time of year.  I'd almost forgotten how much fun mountain biking can be.

Here are Randy's pictures: