Month: March 2013 (Page 2 of 2)

46 Words about Recovery

Ill from Valentine’s Day to March;
Breathing, standing up, tying shoes
induces cough,

the only thing, robust.
A jelly roll settled near
my  belt.

Bottoms still fit though
middle is soft
like two days of March

Ambition restored, coughing suppressed.
Let’s go!

46 Words about Having a Rotten Bad Awful Cold

Sore throat
the day before Valentine’s Day.
Our trip planned, a forgotten piece,
Turn around before halfway.
Morning, awake, worse.
Relaunch vacation, drive in sunshine
South, east, north, then west.
In bed at the Inn; everyone else skis.
Sniffle, sniffle, cough, cough.
Finally well in March.

46 Words about a Second Day of Sunshine in March

morning fog

hinting sunshine.


Geese and swan songs overhead

 during migration,

frog songs, chirping
forest birds, mallards pairing on all bodies of water,

permanent or


 Walking pace slows

 face toward the warmth.

 No gloves! Spring fever!


Winter lurks
around the corner

Of the

46 Words about a Junkyard Goat and Dog

Tuesday’s site visit to an illegal junkyard included a friendly encounter with the owner and his junkyard goat “Boris” and dog “Dexter”.  They play more than guard.  Boris likes to butt and to discourage him you need a weapon: clipboard, file, board.  Conversation difficult – en guard!

46 Words about Sunshine in March

March  3rd was a rare sunshiney warm day
in a long, gray winter. In the morning I rode my bike in frosty temperatures, moving
fingers to keep warm.  By afternoon frogs
were singing, spring birds chirping.  I
wore sunglasses and one less pair of wool socks.

46 Words about Teaching Ski Lessons to Children

Yesterday was our last day of teaching skiing at Snoqualmie
Pass.  Seven weeks of 6 and 7 year old children.  We survived, barely some days.  Other days were fun and satisfying, like when
our never-evers (never skied before) skied well enough to ride the chair lift.

46 Words a Day

Some of my inspiring friends post a number of words according to their age.  Ideally one would start on a birthday.  I am between birthdays and who am I to keep back the written word when it wants out?  There, my first post with forty-six words.

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