XC Ski At Northern State

Yesterday I was feeling quite a bit better from my sore throat so opted for an easy, local ski than one of our usual, all-day tours in the mountains.  Initially my plan was to go back to the Pilchuck Tree Farm but then a flash of inspiration appeared from an unlikely place: Facebook.  I keep track of a page of a local guidebook author, who had recently posted pictures of cross country skiing at Northern State, an infamous mental institution prior to Reagonomics.  I knew  that the bulk of the property had been turned into a recreation area but had never bothered to hike the trails since Sedro Woolley is just inconvenient enough from where I live and work to just go somewhere else.

Yesterday it seemed worth it to take the skinny skis and dog to an open, flat place for some exercise.  Jodee and I have never tried skijoring before but a friend loaned me a harness that fits Jodee just fine.  Jodee is a fine puller but easily distracted by critters under the snow and sniffy things on the way.  Sometimes there was a lot of shouting on my part, mostly if we'd get the leash caught between my legs (twice), which is very inconvenient on skis.  And once when she pounced rather vigorously in a direction for which I was unprepared and knocked me on my bum.  Then once I accidently kicked her with one of my skis, which made her yelp.  So I think we're even.  Jodee (1): Corrina (1).  It was fun enough that I may take her to the tree farm today.  Here are the pictures from yesterday.

1 Comment

  1. Elaine

    Sounds hilarious. I loved the ruins in the snow photos.