Country Life

This morning I decided to take the backroads through the farm fields to get to work instead of my usual highway then freeway route.  As I drove by one small farm I noticed a woman feeding her chickens in the yard.  Nothing unusual about that but her outfit struck me as both typical and comical.  She wore a pink housedress with tall black rubber boots, a blue and red plaid flannel shirt, and a ball cap.  The outfit reminded me of my grandmother, who never wore pants no matter the occasion.  It also reminded me of what I wear while walking the dog: enormous baggy, flowered pants, hiking boots, a green Gore-Tex jacket and a blue polypro hat with a cartoon character logo.  Look at which pot is calling the kettle black.

1 Comment

  1. Rain

    Living on a farm myself, I totally understand the outfit she was wearing and even why she chose each piece. Maybe I have lived here too long *s*