Valentine’s Day

Do anything special for Valentine’s Day?  Since I have to work late tonight, my thoughtful spouse took me out to lunch at the Napa Valley Grille in Westwood Village.  I even had champagne and dessert, which isn’t making for a productive afternoon.  Oh well… it was a very sweet gesture and I am very pleased he thought of it.

A reader sent me an email about my post on SpongeBob.  Since he did not leave a public comment I am not going to describe his email except that I thought his view was very thoughtful and I appreciated his taking the time to explain the so-called "other side".  One of his questions in particular made me feel like I needed to explain myself better.  His question was whether or not I wanted my children to be exposed to things I thought were immoral.  I responded that I didn’t feel like I could control those kinds of things because there is just so much information (good and bad) out there.  I want to raise thoughtful children who can make good decisions, be contributing citizens, and be forever curious and non-judgmental.  I should hope that if they find themselves judging that they seek more information before being critical or even worse, excluding anyone who needs understanding and acceptance.  Isn’t that the example Jesus gives us? 

I am going into a bit more detail here than I did in my email, mostly because I have thought about his email for much of the day.  However, my view has not changed.  I doubt his has either but I hope our dialogue has helped us reach across party lines, so to speak.

I still have not received my horse’s papers.  The heck with it.  He’s paid for and in my possession.  His barn name is Clipper.  I keep trying to call him something else, so he may end up with a different barn name eventually.



  1. Amy

    He’s so cute! Congrats! I’m so happy for you- I hope you have many good rides together!

  2. Megan

    I’m so happy for you Corrina. I know it seemed like such a long time, but it’s worth it when you end up with the perfect match.
    Congratulations! Happy trails to you . . . .

  3. Elaine

    Clipper is very handsome. Have you mentioned how many hands he is?