11 November 2004

Happy Veteran’s Day everyone.  How are you remembering the veterans?  I am remembering the 1000 + Americans who have been killed in Iraq and hope the 140,000 troops over there can come home to their families soon.

Earlier today I saw 10 jets flying in formation.  At first I though they were a small flock of geese but then I noticed the exhaust trails.

Did you know that Veteran’s Day, the 11th day of the 11th month falls on the end of WWI date, the war to end all wars?  Unfortunately we’ve had several since then: WWII, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, Afganistan, and now Iraq.

1 Comment

  1. Fran

    I didn’t really observe Veteran’s Day except to say some fleeting prayers. I was impressed with my grandson’s football coach at yesterday’s practice, though. He ran them all down to Veterans Park next to the RB Pier in honor of our veterans. Was a nice touch, I thought, as kids today don’t have a clue even though a war is raging.