5 September 2004

I hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend. I’m taking an additional day off on Tuesday to meet with my spiritual director one final time and have lunch with friends I have not seen in a while. On Wednesday I have a long day on campus, mostly teaching but then we leave for four days up in my beloved Pacific Northwest.

While we’re up there, my dad who is a real estate agent, will be showing us some property. Those showings will be just to see since we aren’t ready to make on offer on anything. In fact, I’m trying hard to reconcile myself to the good sense idea that we will move close to my next birthday in June instead of moving in January after fall quarter. The difference between January and June is only five months yet it feels like five years to me.

The reasons it’s a better idea to stay until spring quarter is over include that I’ll get an additional two quarter of teaching experience, I will be able to fulfill my teaching obligations instead of cutting out early, I will be able to finish my thesis leisurely (unless I get distracted by something else). If we left in January I would have to finish my thesis without nearby support from my advisor plus I’d have to try to make time for it while I was getting settled in our new home and most likely a new job. If I didn’t have a job already, certainly I’d be spending a lot of time looking for one. Even though these reasons make logical sense, my heart wants to go sooner rather than later. So when do I surrender to good sense and when do I push to make things happen for myself? In this case, something is telling me to surrender but I’m still resistant though perhaps softening a little as I continue to acknowledge the logic of staying until June. After all, it is only an additional five months. What’s five months when many months seem to zip by unnoticed?

1 Comment

  1. Megan

    How fun to go home and begin house shopping. I think you are making the right decision to stay until June. You don’t want to cut out in between semesters. I know you are anxious to move. But, I think you will be glad you stayed to get the spring quarter out of the way. Time will fly by, especially if you buy that nice mare you are going to ride next week. Staying will give you extra time in the saddle with your new horse and working with the trainer you like so much. That should keep your mind and heart from pining for the Great Pacific NW.
    Stay, stay, stay! Just a few more months!