Margaritas and Other Things

I misspelled my own name as ‘Corring’ in a recent email. Apparently this is another misspelling of my name. Often I misspell it as ‘Corrian’ but ‘Corring’ is a new one. Sheesh…. I’m going to blame it on the new margarita recipe I found in Better Homes and Gardens. Well, I had to try it! I tried to scale the servings for 6-8 down to one serving and managed two servings. Okay, I’m a lightweight…. The margarita recipe is as follows:

1/2 cup lime juice
1 cup tequila
1 cup Cointreau or Grand Marnier or Triple Sec (i.e. an orange liqueur)

This makes 4-6 servings.

I adjust for two servings this way:

1/3 cup lime juice
Fill up the measuring cup to 2/3 with Triple Sec
Fill up the measuring cup to 1 1/3 with Tequila.

Somehow I calculated 1 1/3 cups as two servings, while the original recipe says that 2 1/2 cups is 4-6 servings. I suppose my calculation isn’t off by too much but I feel like I drank 4 servings worth. Again, I’m a lightweight but it’s Spring Break so I deserve a little slack.

On to other things:

This morning I had a wonderful riding lesson on Sophie. Goldie isn’t quite back to her normal self. Although when she was turned out, she bucked, snorted, and ran about as if she were a wild mustang being chased by mountain lions. I’m kind of glad I wasn’t riding her today.

It drizzled a tiny bit this morning but not enough to obscure my vision so I was comfortable jumping. Barb has me jumping at least 2′ jumps, possibly 2.5′. I feel comfortable. My position has improved a great deal since I’ve been ridnig under Barbara Vasilaros’ tutelage. I’m not falling all over the place after we land. Jumping has always been fine but landing can be a problem if my body is not right, i.e. heels down, butt over saddle, back flat, chest and shoulders up.

Did I mention that I went roping on Sunday? I’m a header, which means in team roping that I rope the front end of a cow, i.e. the horns, while a heeler of the team ropes the heels. It’s been either 13 or 14 years since I’ve roped. My first time back was Sunday. I caught 3 out of a bunch of cows (maybe 10?), which is better than I expected. I expected to catch zero cows. One of these days I’ll post pictures of me jumping and roping. I have to convince my husband to be present long enough to snap a few photos. Normally he’s more interested in riding his bike or rock climbing. I can’t say that I blame him.

1 Comment

  1. Megan

    Margaritas and horses, two of my favorites things. I ride much better if I have a drink (just one) before a lesson.
    I found your blog about a month ago and took the time to go back and read all the entries from when you first started back in riding. I’m so inspired and impressed by your progress and determination. You are already at the leasing stage, and I can’t wait to see what kind of horse(s) you end up buying.
    I mentioned you in my last blog post, hope you don’t mind.
    <\___~ ..//.\\.. Megan