Hills to the West


I am grateful that this winter has been cooler than any previous winter I’ve experienced here in SoCal. The last several days have produced a lot of rain. Today is cloudy, as in the photo. More rain is expected tomorrow. I’m looking forward to it even though the sogginess has prevented me from riding at all, which is a major drag.

These hills are about a mile west of where we live. I will miss this view when we move some day. The reason I keep reviewing the things I’ll miss is because so after so many other moves, I never stopped to think about what I might miss until long after I was gone and had no chance of visiting. I am being more aware of my surroundings.


  1. Karen Winters

    That looks a lot like Rocky Peak (I think that’s what it’s called,or maybe it’s Rocky Point) near the Santa Susanas. (I grew up in Northridge, I’m near Pasadena now.) I found your blog through a link from Loretta’s Pomegranates and Paper and your atmospheric picture caught my eye.

  2. Fran

    So how do those hills look in the rain? No horsie riding today, I bet.