Manifest Destiny

I borrowed the title of today’s entry from Pomegranatesandpaper. It is time to manifest my own destiny. Had a kick in the butt Christmas Eve morning. Why must some of us learn the hard way? Wish I had an answer to that question but at the very least I recognize this tendency in myself and am determined to do something about it.

My graduate program is not going well at UCLA. There. I’ve said it. It’s not that I’m not capable. I am. I’m capable of most things I’m interested in. The key word is interest. So. I’m going to finish my Master’s, which requires 10 more class units and a paper. The research is almost done for a paper. All I have to do is write the darn thing.

If you’ve been following along, you know that I’m intensely interested in horses. I don’t have any faith at all that I’ll ever be able to make a good living working with horses but I sure like to spend my free-time with them. So. I’ve taken another leap. This one has a soft landing though. I decided to apply to Pierce College here in LA. The campus is close to home, the units are cheap, AND they have an agriculture program that includes Equine Science. And I can do this while I finish the requirements at UCLA.

Why didn’t I think of this before? I was too busy thinking I was a scientist, yet not entirely enjoying the process. The program at Pierce is good cheap, educational fun. I don’t have to DO anything but enjoy it. And open myself up to the possiblities of working with horses. If it doesn’t work out, I don’t have a huge financial and emotional investment in it (unlike my program at UCLA, from which I have to divorce my emotions).

Manifest Destiny for 2004:
1) Follow my heart and do what I love.
2) Reject the shoulda/woulda/coulda’s.
3) Reject the inner critic who tells me what is practical and sensible
4) Accept only the things that light my fire — my fire has been cold for too long
5) Deeply examine myself and accept and LOVE what I find
6) Pursue the spiritual side of myself that has also been cold for too long

That’s enough for one year, no? Follow my bliss.


  1. Fran

    Way to go, Corinna. I’m familiar with Pierce College’s programs and I’m sure your experiences will be wonderful. Isn’t it a relief to have made the decision to opt out at Master’s level? And I see you are manifesting what comes next.

  2. Elaine

    Sounds like a good plan.

  3. Loretta

    I’m thrilled to be your muse! And way to go on planning out your future. Now please work on mine….