Redefining Goals

Horses in the dark

The link in the caption is a short movie I took of the horses running around in the dark. I was safely standing next to a fence so that they couldn’t accidentally run over me. They’d shoot the gap of the open gate then gallop up to the round pen where the footing is better. And back, bucking and snorting/farting the whole way. Clear the lungs and sinuses before finding full hay bags in their stalls.

Winter horsekeeping is a time for easing off the goals. The dark, cold, mud, and rain help facilitate this. I know people who manage to ride all winter. I sort of envy them but not really. Mostly I envy their level arenas with good footing. Deep in my bones I know that winter is a time for hibernation, for rest, and restoration for both humans and horses. Besides, I mind the cold and damp these days.

My mind loves established patterns and regularity. I find comfort in the sameness of every day. I love having a schedule. I call it my “Beloved Schedule” or “BS” for short. The irony cracks me up because it is B, the bull-pucky variety. The BS is good for setting a schedule to meet goals. Write down or mentally note what to practice every day.

Winter is a time for me to be more present with Odin and Bragi. Just be with them and nothing else. The goals will be there in February when there is more daylight and hopefully better footing.

The horses still have manners because I do micro sessions at feeding time. In the morning, I remove Bragi from Odin’s stall so that they can both enjoy their own breakfast in peace.

Bragi and I work on walking nicely in the barn aisle without crowding me. Bragi is 3 and still needy. His preferred place is in Odin’s lap. Or mine. I’m trying to teach him that he’s okay if he’s not in our laps and in his own stall.

With Odin I work on gaining his attention when he’d rather be looking anywhere else, or head down cues, which releases endorphins. Easy 2-minute exercises.

Whenever you’re with your horse(s) you’re either training or untraining them. Micro sessions are satisfying in that you’re still training but not committing to big sessions in the cold, dark and mud. I think the micro sessions will pay off when daylight returns. Stay tuned!